In this article we will reveal what is a smart blind, what is its functionality and why today it has become an effective, friendly and beautiful ally, at the same time will allow us to know that its installation is not complicated and rather very simple and practical.

Technological advances every day more and more wrap the daily life of the human being, in this sense, the smart blinds show that even the decoration and functionality, also understand the current technology and its effective operation.

Smart blinds. What is it?

Blinds are those fabric panels that protect us from the intensity of sunlight, as well as from environmental particles that are loaded with dust or viral material, which cause diseases.

Everything that comprises the term “intelligent” refers to an operation that saves us time and comfort, since its mechanics is based on a system that on the one hand can be executed remotely, or also operated by voice. It is also very easy to assemble.

In this sense, smart blinds have the same principle and functionality, only now you do not need to go to them to lower them by means of a chain or an electric switch, but they can operate through a remote control or voice-activated commands.

estores inteligentes

Advantages of smart blinds

The main advantage is convenience, since, for example, we do not need to get up from a work chair to go to the system and manually or electrically level the lowering or raising of the blinds. It is enough to give a voice command for the blind mechanism to start working.

The other advantage is that some are powered by rechargeable batteries, which, like a smart phone, offer not just hours, but months of charging, which in a way helps us save electricity.

The third advantage is that they are highly decorative, their bases have beautiful designs and are quiet. They also serve as a measure of environmental protection, UV rays entry and to avoid excessive heat of an environment.

Their operation is executed through applications found on the web and in specialized stores, where some brands are compatible with mobile operating systems such as Android.

Safer blind for children

Many times children, when they are exploring their environment, or in their inventiveness when developing games at home, can use the manual mechanisms, such as the cords or chains of the blinds to have fun.

The danger lies in the fact that when pulling on the chain or string unexpectedly or abruptly, children can get hurt or injure themselves, especially when playing with these systems without adult supervision.

Ropes and chains are made of very resistant materials, difficult to break, which can affect the integrity of children. On the other hand, in the case of electronic devices, children could play with the wires that connect them to electricity, increasing the level of risk.

Smart devices are not only safe and practical, but they also help to prevent children from using the blinds as play tools that can damage their operation and usefulness.

Smart blinds are programmable

One of the advantages of smart blinds, is that they not only allow a fair unrolling and to the extent that we want, but these can be programmed to work without us being at home.

For example, if in an apartment or house, the sunlight has a direct fall, either in the morning or in the afternoon when we are in the office, the programming of the smart blind allows the device to be activated at a programmed time.

This not only allows the light to greatly heat an environment, but also protects wooden furniture and sensitive objects from possible damage when the sunlight touches them.

They are also ideal for establishments and offices that at a certain time need to cover their windows and protect them from night winds and direct light.

estores inteligentes como funcionan

Smart blinds do not require electrical installation

Smart blinds have multiple functions that can be programmed and operated even from the cell phone. Their mechanisms work with an app and do not need any electricity to operate, except for recharging.

These systems bring a type of lithium battery similar to that used by cell phones, which when recharged in a short time, have a duration of weeks and months, so they are not only thrifty in electrical matters, but they are safe and practical.

Another of the most functional and amazing advantages is that the batteries of smart blinds devices can be recharged with sunlight, through its recharge panels, and some brands are managed through the famous operating systems Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri HomeKit.

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